My students have learned about living and non-living things in science. They did animal book reports which included habitat, food, physical characteristics and interesting facts. They picked out from my animal cards which had information on them. They did a rough draft in school and then the final draft/book at home.
The next week they took there animal and created a fiction story about it. Finally we made a colored pencil resist watercolor painting of our animal. This is the bulletin board with all of them.
The bulletin board was a biomes around the world, artctic, ocean, forest, freshwater, rainforest, grassland and desert. There is a tree frog in the rainforest, a buffalo on the grassland, a piranha in the freshwater, a penguin in the arctic, etc.
Math-I like doing Math Their Way in class, with the district curriculum. In one activity they used shapes and their math number that they are working on to make their animal.
There is a lion, zebra, shark, dolphin, giraffe, etc. So much fun!!!